We strive for our employees to arrive, work, and go home safe. We feel that it is important for our Customers to know that our steel is fabricated in an environment where risks to employees' health and safety are properly controlled.
• Employees receive initial safety training for accident prevention in a steel manufacturing facility
• Specialized safety training is conducted to any employee who is operating a machine such as a forklift, saw, plasma, or overhead crane
• Tool Box meetings are held weekly, and safety topics are discussed and recorded.
• First Aid supplies are readily available to employees and visitors should a minor accident occur
• lf you are visiting our facilities and will be inside our fabrication area, you are required to wear a hard hat and safety glasses. We can provide this for you

• Only commercial licensed delivery drivers with proper personal protection equipment (PPE) will be hired.
• Our project managers or any other Eagle employees visiting a job site are required to wear a hard hat and safety glasses as a minimum. When field work is being performed, job site safety rules shall be strictly followed